作为美国总务管理局的“优秀设计项目”的一部分,Schwartz/Silver设计的极富现代特色的A.H.麦考伊联邦办公室和保安亭戏剧性的改变了密西西比州杰克逊地区的城市景观。在这个场所中,建筑师抓住机遇,重新定义了城市与联邦政府的关系。重新设计的广场为使用这栋建筑的办公人员和游客提供了一个美丽的城市绿洲。带着“鳞片”的保安亭朝基地的角落处伸出,为建筑物创造了一个热情的入口。(As the United States the General Services Administration’s “good design” part of the project, very characteristics of modern Schwartz/Silver design A.H. Mccoy federal office and the security booth has dramatically changed the Mississippi Jackson area of city landscape. In this place, the architect to seize the opportunity, redefines the relationship between the city and the federal government. The redesign of the square for the use of the building of the office staff and visitors a beautiful city oasis. With the “scale” of the security booth at the base of the corner out, creating a passion for building entrance.)