Cyprus Loukas residential is a circular and plane concrete buildings, with 1.5 independent rectangular entrance. This form of building structure with long and narrow windows surrounded the yard wood floors and a swimming pool. In fact, the house space experience is unique. The house has a natural flow, it is spacious and structural characteristics of simple overall. The plot is in a busy road, so the semicircle shape like a natural boundary of the road. Inside, all around a pool, as the entire project reference point, as it can be seen in the house of each point.—塞浦路斯Loukas住宅是一个圆形的公平面的混凝土建筑,设有一个半独立的矩形入口。这种建筑结构形式加上长而窄的窗户包围了后院的木地板和半圆游泳池。事实上,这座房子的空间体验感是独特的。这房子有一种自然的流动,它是宽敞的和结构的特点整体简单。该地块是在一条繁忙的道路,所以半圆的造型像一个天然的道路边界。内部,一切都绕半圆池,作为整个项目的基准点,因为它可以看到在房子里的每一个点。