这是由Rodrigo Duque Motta, Rafael Hevia和Gabriela Manzi联合设计的,迭戈波塔利斯大学经济商贸学院位于圣克里斯托瓦尔山脚,可俯瞰Huechuraba山谷风景 学校旨在建立自己的学术发展和职业现实之间强有力的联系,因为它是在一个城市中重要的商业中心 考虑到大部分办公建筑都采用玻璃,缺乏明显特性与设计逻辑,因此建筑师想建立与之相反的建筑,建立一个具有重量感的建筑,永恒而坚固,与学校的形象一脉相承 建筑的密度,能长久使用的混凝土,覆盖着葡萄藤 反映季节变化的墙壁,常年开放的公园和石造广场,共同营造一个永恒而坚固的空间.

By Rodrigo Duque Motta, Rafael Hevia and home to the integrated design of Manzi, diego wave tallis university economic trade institute in SAN cristobal hill, overlooking Huechuraba valley landscape school aims to set up their own academic development and professional strong links between reality, because it is in an important commercial center in the city Considering that most of the office building USES glass, the lack of obvious features and design logic, so the architect to build the opposite building, build a building with weight, lasting and strong, and the image of school building density, concrete can be used for a long time, covered with vines reflect the seasonal variation of the walls,Perennial open park and stone square, solid and jointly build a permanent space.20140610000601[1]

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