由Taller301建筑公司和Land+Civilization Composition建筑公司设计的普里什蒂纳中央清真寺方案,他们的设计意在重新诠释清真寺的构成元素,而不被传统的伊斯兰风格建筑束缚住思维。
By Taller301 construction company and the design of Land+Civilization Composition construction company, the Pristina central mosque, elements of their design is intended to re interpretation of the mosque, but not by the traditional Islamic style of architecture bound thinking.普里什蒂纳中央清真寺, the Pristina central mo (3)

普里什蒂纳中央清真寺, the Pristina central mo (4)  普里什蒂纳中央清真寺, the Pristina central mo (2) 普里什蒂纳中央清真寺, the Pristina central mo (1)普里什蒂纳中央清真寺, the Pristina central mo (5)