德国设计师Florian schmid设计了一种“缝合混凝土”座椅,这个设计受到了混凝土帆布(CC)材料的影响。Florian schmid尝试用混凝土浸入布料(CC)的特殊工艺,让面料在水合过程中变硬,最终形成一个轻薄的,防水防火的混凝土结构。这种材料将柔软温暖的布料质感和坚硬冰冷的水泥融为一体,并经过后期的特殊处理,让人有一种不同的体验。个人认为,这个和玻璃钢的做法大同小异,成品只能是一种尝试性的创新,从其品味和档次来看未必会有人喜欢这个东西。(The German designer Florian Schmid has designed a “suture concrete” seat, this design has been concrete canvas (CC) the influence of the material. Florian Schmid tries to use concrete immersed fabric (CC) special process, make the fabric harden in the hydration process, eventually forming a thin, waterproof and fireproof concrete structure. This material will be the fabric texture soft and warm and cold hardness cement com., and the special treatment of late, let people have a different experience. Personally, the glass and steel similar practices, finished product is only a tentative innovation, from the taste and quality of view may not be people like this.)