新加坡媒体城,在“头”的一边,以一个共同点为中心实施了一个“窄街”循环路,分配所有活跃的当地车辆和行人交通、商店、餐馆,这里无论白天黑夜都在闪闪发亮的彩色电子广告牌旨在创造兴奋的氛围,成为世界最好城市的最活跃而密集的街道生活。(In the “head” of the side, with a common point as the center of the implementation of a “street” Circular Road, distribution of all active local vehicular and pedestrian traffic, shops, restaurants, here day and night in color electronic billboards shiny aims to create exciting atmosphere, to become the world’s best and most active city and dense street life.)