作者: Iro Bertaki和Christina Loukopoulou和Costis Paniyir;该综合设施占据了整个街区(8350平方米),由七个独立的功能性且正式的连续建筑组成 它坐落在雅典郊区马罗西,迅速转变为一个商业和住宅都市中心 三层体积展现了稍倾斜的站点总面积为6500平方米,包括70套公寓,公共空间和地下停车场。
Author: Iro Loukopoulou Bertaki and Christina and Costis Paniyir; The integrated facilities occupy the whole block (8350 square miles), consists of seven independent functional and official buildings in succession It is located in the suburbs of Athens rossi, quickly turned into a commercial and residential city center Three layers of volume showed slightly sloping sites with a total area of 6500 square meters, including 70 apartments, public space and underground parking lot.