天津丽思卡尔顿酒店比邻海河河岸,坐落于充满历史韵味的原英租界和如今中央商务区的中心。酒店建筑风格的灵感取自二十世纪初期的新古典主义,仿照欧洲传统,高雅尊贵的客房环绕宽敞庭院的四周。酒店内设277间豪华装饰艺术风格客房和53间套房,其设计均出自奢华酒店设计师Pierre-Yves Rochon之手,内部富丽堂皇,挑高天花板和众多大理石装饰让人仿佛置身于欧洲宫殿之中。墙上的手绘欧洲传统宫殿壁画和中国宫廷绘画及精致贴心的各类设施为客人打造出一种历史感与归属感。—
Tianjin Haihe River The Ritz Carlton Hotel near, is located in the historic charm of the British concession and now the central business district center. The architectural style is inspired by the early twentieth Century neoclassicism, modeled on the European tradition, elegant and distinguished guest rooms around the spacious courtyard. The hotel has 277 luxurious decorative art style guest rooms and 53 suites, its design from the El Luxor Hotel designer Pierre-Yves Rochon, internal magnificent, high ceilings and marble decoration many people feel like being in the European palaces. The wall painted murals and China traditional European palace palace paintings and thoughtful facilities for the guests to create a sense of history and a sense of belonging.