西班牙建筑师DAHL&GHG设计的这所房子位于马德里北部,并且每个房间都面对着花园。客户要求每一个房间都可以了望花园并且不应该有空间与大街相对。(The house is Spanish architect DAHL&GHG design is located in the north of Madrid, and each room facing the garden. Customer requirements in each room can see the garden and there should be no space and street relative.)

The house is Spanish architect DAHL&GHG design  (1) The house is Spanish architect DAHL&GHG design  (2) The house is Spanish architect DAHL&GHG design  (3) The house is Spanish architect DAHL&GHG design  (4) The house is Spanish architect DAHL&GHG design  (5)